Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The illusion of freedom

 The illusion of freedom

Everyone seems to be overlooking why African American men continue coming out on the losing end when confronted by police.  We all have what is commonly referred to as a Survival Instinct. I Googled it. It is the Ability to know what to do to stay alive. As a teenager growing up in Philly, I was taught to defend myself.  I was also taught 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

This presents a problem, especially when suddenly you realize you are not really free. One minute you are driving along and the next you are forcefully drugged from your car and are expected to willingly allow yourself to be physically restrained by men who are intent to do you harm. This unexpected turn of events goes against everything your instincts tell you to do. 

I have never been cuffed but as a teen I came close twice. Once you are handcuffed, any illusion of freedom goes out the window. You are literally helpless. Why is it difficult, especially for police officers, to comprehend that basic fact? 

Pew Research Center

Most gun owners say they own guns for protection

Similarly, Pew found that two-thirds of gun owners cited protection as a major reason for owning a gun. 

Gallup Poll

 In a Gallup survey conducted in August 2019, gun owners were most likely to cite personal safety or protection as the reason they own a firearm. 

In short black men do not run from the police out of fear of arrest, they run out of fear for their safety and in some cases their lives.  Whether it is 5 cops or just one pissed off cop with a nightstick, mace, a taser and oh yes a loaded gun, the natural instinct would not to put your hands behind your back it would be to flee. We have got to find a better way. 

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