Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Deadly Gamble - Suspect list

The Deadly Gamble

There's been a double murder on the grounds of Amber Hill Manor. Kevin Matthew's wife Melissa and pool boy Sam were found dead inside a locked shed.
Follow the clues and catch the killer(s) in The Deadly Gamble. A short story from the Alexander Steele murder mystery series.

Husband – Kevin Matthews
Doubled wife’s life insurance policy to six million dollars shortly after catching his wife having an affair with the last pool boy.

Sister in law – Daniela Matthews was also known as Kitty.
Professional high stakes poker player. Disliked her brother’s wife. Rumored to have had an affair with the pool boy who Mr. Matthews thinks is gay.

Maid – Audrey
Likes to play the Power Ball lottery. Would loose her job if the Matthews move to Florida.

Butler/cook – Antonio
Would also be out of a job.

Groundskeeper – Pablo
likes to bet on the horses. Owed Mrs. Robinson a large sum of money she threatens to withhold his pay until the debt was paid.

The Chauffeur – Chris
Will bet on anything  Once placed a wager on how long it would take a bead of sweat to drop from a man's face.  Had joked with the staff about killing the pool boy


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